First day on a new site
- Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to allow for delays in your journey and to make a great first impression
- Arrive on-site wearing your BriX Projects supplied safety gear, every day (steel-capped safety boots, hardhat and high visibility vest)
- Always have your white card, a photo ID and any other relevant construction tickets with you
- Never walk off a site without telling the site supervisor or phoning your BriX Projects labour manager
- If you’re going to be late, please phone us on 1800 621 066 or contact your labour manager and we’ll call the client for you.
- Don’t forget your timesheet download timesheet
Keeping yourself safe, on site
- Make safety your priority by reporting all unsafe working conditions to your BriX Projects labour manager
- Never put yourselves or those around you at risk – if you can’t remember how to do a job safely, ask your supervisor
- Always wear your high visibility shirt and safety gear in the work zone and protect your eyes and ears from intense noise and vibration
- Know the equipment and vehicle blind spots in your work zone, and stay away from them. Never remain in an area near working equipment if you’re not needed
- Before starting work on a new site familiarise yourself with the jobsite safety plan so you know where it’s safe to walk or stand
- Be extra vigilant of your surroundings and those around you when using power tools. Make sure tools are in proper working condition and return them in good, clean working order.
Call us immediately if …
- You’re asked to perform work that’s not part of your job description
- Working conditions are unsafe
- You’re injured on-site, before seeking medical assistance
What to do when a job ends
- Get your timesheet signed by your site supervisor
- Call us if your job will continue the next day
- Call your labour manager to confirm where you’ll be working next
How to make sure you’re always working
Call you labour manager:
- When you know a job is due to finish
- If your availability changes
- When your skills are upgraded
How to complete timesheets and get paid
Timesheets are your guaranteed payslip – and your responsibility – without a signed timesheet we can’t pay you. It’s that simple! Remember:
- Keep your timesheet with you every day you’re working
- Ask your site supervisor to sign it at the end of each working week or when your job finishes (if you don’t, you’ll probably have to go back onsite to get it signed!)
- Scan and email your timesheet to timesheets@brixprojects.com.com.au or fax it to (02) 5301 6166. We don’t accept photos of timesheets!
- Pay is processed on a Thursday and will reach your bank account either Thursday evening or Friday morning
- Submit your timesheet before 5pm on a Monday (any later and your wages may not appear in your bank account until the following week)
- Contact the office on 1800 621 066 if your bank details change, or if you have any questions about timesheets or your pay