When looking for jobs it’s important to consider job search tips from people working in recruitment. Recruiters often have valuable insight into the hiring process and what qualities applicants should bring to the table when they are applying for jobs. This article outlines five job search tips that Brix Projects recommends job seekers take into consideration when looking for work.
When job advertisements include a link to a company website or LinkedIn profile, it is very easy to do some research about the organisation and its employees. It’s good practice to read about a company’s values and culture before applying. Furthermore, if you know someone who works at the company you want to apply at, it’s a good idea to reach out to them and ask them about the job and who is responsible for hiring. Taking this a step further and looking at the profile of hiring managers can be a great way to learn about their employment history and build a relationship during an interview, just don’t get too personal.
Resume Building
Resume building is perhaps the most important part of the application process. If your resume is good then your chances of being invited to attend an interview increase. Try to tie in company values to your skills and experience. Showcasing you are a good cultural fit for an organisation on your resume is a sure-fire way to make a good impression during an interview. As well as this, make sure you have listed the certifications and experience needed for the job before applying. If your resume is underweight, think back to extracurricular activities that might speak in your favour. Sports, volunteering and even hobbies can quickly become points of solidarity with a recruiter who has similar interests. These points also show you can work in a team, are selfless and have passion.
Networking is perhaps the best job search method there is. If you have a strong network of contacts who can refer you to open positions jobs will come to you, rather than you having to find them. A strong network also shows you have good people skills. Add everyone you meet on LinkedIn and contact them if the company they work at is hiring.
When you apply for a job, go through your resume and cover letter with a fine-tooth comb and make sure you have met all the criteria listed on the job description. If you don’t hear back right away, don’t panic and be patient. If it’s been a week with no response, then a follow-up email can work in your favour. Just be polite and to the point, and don’t harass the recruiter responsible for the position as this will decrease your chances of securing the role.
A simple “thank you” email will do wonders for your chances of being hired for a role. People like appreciation because it makes them feel valued. By thanking the person who interviewed you, you show you are a compassionate person with good etiquette. It might make all the difference when it comes to the recruiter’s decision-making time.
Contact Brix Projects
We have been recruiting for the white collar and skilled labour sectors for over 10 years. To speak with the talent acquisition experts at Brix Projects, reach out via our contact page or call today on +61 1800 621 066. Brix Projects is available to speak with you from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm. If you are looking to acquire the best talent for your project, or to discuss job search tips, simply call us and ask what we can do for you.