Let’s set the scene; you’ve won a big project and they want you to get started straight away. You have a fantastic team set up all ready to go, but you are a few people short, whether this be for specific trades or just overall. You need to find employees to fill your positions straight away. What do you do?
Internal Recruitment
So you’ve decided to recruit for the new roles you need yourself. Let’s go through the step by step process and a rough time scale:
- You write a detailed job description for what you are looking for.
- Post the job and wait for eligible applicants to apply.
- This can take weeks for you to gather candidates that may be suitable.
- You have to pay to advertise the roles, as the free website have so many jobs listed that you have to opt for a paid listing in order to get the views that you need.
- You have received a number of resumes, you now need to spend time looking through each of these to narrow down which are suitable candidates based on their application.
- You decide on the candidates that interest you and proceed to start interviewing these candidates.
- It can take days/weeks to find a suitable time for you and the candidate to meet. And you have to do this with each candidate.
- Even if you don’t want to interview the candidate in person (which is of course the best way to determine if the candidate is suitable for the role) and decide to conduct phone interviews it again can be time consuming to get in touch with candidates and find a time for them to be able to chat.
- You then have to decide which candidates you would like to come and work for you and offer them the job.
- Not everyone that you offer the job to will necessarily accept the job.
- Once they have accepted the job, you then have the entire rigmarole of setting them up as an employee with details such as superannuation, contracts, holiday/sickness allowances, inductions etc.
The above process is great if you have plenty of time to find yourself new employees, but for the scenario that we have outlined the above takes too long to turn around and you could potentially lose the project if you can’t supply the workers to fulfil the project on time. During the time you have spent during the hiring process those hours could have been used much more efficiently working on your own business goals and objectives or carrying out the new project.
Why use a labour hire agency?
There are several advantages to using a labour hire agency for finding your new employees; now let’s look at this process.
- You contact the labour hire agency and explain:
- The candidates that you require (how many, occupations/skills etc.).
- When you need them for, how many hours you require and how long you will require them for.
- You then leave it with the labour hire agency to find you suitable candidates. The labour hire agency either a) does the above process for you or (and most likely) b) the labour hire agency already has gone through the above recruitment process and has a database of candidates that they can draw from to find you a suitable worker.
- The labour hire agency will then give you the options of the vetted candidates that can start work with you as soon as you need them to if you are happy to go with them.
- The labour hire agency will take care of all of the admin side such as payroll etc. you will simply have to sign a timesheet and pay an invoice.
Even though there are around the same number of steps, the actual work for you as the client is minimal. Labour hire agencies:
- Save you time recruiting as they do this for you. As you are saving time recruiting this is saving you money.
- They can provide you with workers quickly which also saves you time so you don’t lose out business wise by being behind on projects or missing deadlines waiting for new staff.
- Can provide temporary workers so if you only require someone for a day, a week or a year they can accommodate. As opposed to having to employ people for short contracts or temporary, which can involve as much work as taking on a full time employee.
- Using a labour hire agency can actually lead you to find your future workforce.
If you are considering using a labour hire agency for your next project then consider BriX Projects labour hire Sydney. We are labour hire experts who have been providing highly skilled workers to the construction industry in Sydney for a number of years. Please contact us today for more information, call us on 1800 621 066 or contact us online.